Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I Got My Passport!!

Hola All,

I have some exciting news! As some of you already knew, I have been waiting on my passport to arrive and the earliest it was said to come was in September. However, two weeks ago my passport arrived at my house and my trip is ready to take off!! Now I am only waiting on finding the right ticket, and I will be outta the States and on my way to minister in South America. PRAIYZ GOD! He is Faithful...

Servant to the Nations

My Change of Address

If anyone is wanting to write me or send me anything while I am overseas this would be the address to send it to. I know it is long! But make sure it is all copied as specified here:

Av. Intercomunal Florencio Jimenez Calle 8A de Pueblo Nuevo Frente alCentro Comercial Cristal. Edificio SEPAD. Oficina DGM (DireccionGeneral de Misiones) Barquisimeto, Edo. Lara, Venezuela.